Feit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulb

The Feit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulbs are worth checking out if you need to replace your current dimmable bulbs with more efficient ones.

Feit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulb Costco

They are suitable to replace 60W bulbs but I think most of us are using CFL bulbs already which are at lower wattage.

If your current CFL bulbs are at 20 W of higher, then you’d be cutting your energy usage in half by replacing those bulbs with these 9.5 W LED ones.

We’ve been slowly replacing our CFL bulbs with more energy-efficient LED ones as well. The rebates make it more affordable to do so.

The Feit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulbs are priced at $14.99 for a 6-pack.

There’s currently a $3 instant rebate which reduces the price to $11.99.

Unit price is $1.998/bulb.

Discount is valid till 11/12/17.

Item number 1088072.

Inventory and pricing at your store will vary and are subject to change at any time.

Feit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulb CostcoFeit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulb CostcoFeit Electric 9.5W Dimmable LED Bulb Costco