Feit Electric Conserv-Energy 15W R30 Reflector CFL Bulbs

Need bulbs for your recessed lights? Costco has the Feit Electric Conserv-Energy 15W R30 Reflector CFL Bulbs.

Conserv-Energy 15W R30 Reflector CFL Bulbs Costco 1

These are 15 Watt bulbs that provide 750 lumens each.

They’re available in a 4-pack for $11.39 but there’s currently a $4 unadvertised instant rebate.

This lowers the price to $7.39 or about $1.85/bulb.

The discount is valid till 08/31/13.

Item number 440076.

One note of caution: These do not say “Instant On” so they may take a while to come on completely. We bought some recessed light bulbs from Costco a few years ago, not sure if it was this same exact one. They take about 30 seconds to be completely bright.

Unfortunately, our contractor installed the bulbs and threw away the boxes before we realized the issue. Otherwise we would have returned the bulbs and bought some that are “Instant On”.

Inventory and pricing at your store may/will vary.

Conserv-Energy 15W R30 Reflector CFL Bulbs Costco 2 Conserv-Energy 15W R30 Reflector CFL Bulbs Costco 3 Conserv-Energy 15W R30 Reflector CFL Bulbs Costco 4