Foster Farms Boneless Buffalo Bites

Need chicken nuggets for snacking or for your Superbowl Party? Check out the Foster Farms Boneless Buffalo Bites.

Foster Farms Boneless Buffalo Bites Costco 2

These are fully cooked and just have to be reheated in the conventional oven or microwave.

The Foster Farms Boneless Buffalo Bites are available in a 3.5 lb bag and is normally priced at $11.99.

There’s currently $3 instant rebate which reduces the price to $8.99.

Unit price is $2.569/lb.

Discount is valid till 01/261/4.

Item number 553168.

Inventory and pricing at your store will vary and are subject to change at any time.

Foster Farms Boneless Buffalo Bites Costco 3Foster Farms Boneless Buffalo Bites Costco 1