La Fiole du Pape
Check out the bottle design of La Fiole du Pape! The photo doesn’t capture it that well but it’s a funky shape, somewhat distorted and at some angles, it looks like half of the bottle is missing.
On the top of that, the bottle has a “dirty” look, like it’s really old and was covered in mud at some point.
And it comes wrapped in a striking dark pink tissue paper.
Their website tells the story of the bottle origin. Back in 1952, there was a ceramic competition with the theme “The wild movement of the grenache vine battered in the Mistral”. Charles Grotte made this bottle to illustrate the theme. He won the competition and later decided to use the opportunity to make a wine to go along with the bottle.
Over 60 years later, his creation is now at Costco!
It is priced at $23.99 per 750 mL bottle.
Item number is 753984.
Inventory and pricing at your store may/will vary.
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