RXBar Protein Bars

The RXBar Protein Bars are protein bars that are made with just a handful of ingredients.

RXBar Protein Bars Costco

The core ingredients are dates, egg whites, cocoa and sea salt.

There are 12 bars in each box with 6 of Chocolate Sea Salt and 6 of Peanut Butter Chocolates.

I sampled this at Costco but I gobbled it before I took a photo :0

They are soft, chewy and sweet. To me, the peanut butter chocolate flavor tasted slightly better.


The RXBar Protein Bars are priced at $15.99.

Unit price is $1.33/bar.

Item number 1148482.

Inventory and pricing at your store will vary and are subject to change at any time.

RXBar Protein Bars Costco RXBar Protein Bars Costco RXBar Protein Bars Costco