Food & Beverages Archive

Fairlife 2% Chocolate Milk

If you’re lactose intolerant but chocolate milk, you’d be happy to know that there’s now a lactose-free Fairlife 2% Chocolate Milk. InĀ  addition to being lactose free, this Fairlife

Khazana Organic Red Lentils Curry

In addition to the Khazana Organic Yellow Lentils with Chickpea Curry, the Khazana Organic Red Lentils Curry is also currently available at Costco. The red lentils are cooked with

Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root

Spotted the Prince of Peace American Ginseng Roots at Costco. These are 100% American ginseng roots from Wisconsin. Ginseng is supposed to have many health benefits but we’ve never

Lotus Foods Organic Rice Ramen

The Lotus Foods Organic Rice Ramen was available in the store a few years ago and we’ve now spotted it again. These “ramen cakes” are made from millet and

Khazana Organic Yellow Lentils with Chickpea Curry

If you love Indian food, the Khazana Organic Yellow Lentils with Chickpea Curry appears to be an easy way to have it anytime you want. They are available in

Vega Plant Protein Shake

If you love the Vega Protein Powder, you may love the Vega Plant Protein Shake as well. Each bottle contains 20 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber and

Don Lee Organic Cauliflower Bites

There’s a new Don Lee item at Costco and it’s the Organic Cauliflower Bites. These are vegetarian, gluten-free veggie tots. They can be heated in the microwave, skillet or

Pulmuone Teriyaki Stir-Fry Udon

Instead of ramen, you can now try the Pulmuone Teriyaki Stir-Fry Udon instead. There are 4 servings included in a bag, with 4 noodle packets, 4 seasoning packets and

Jayone Dried Anchovy

The Jayone Dried Anchovy set was a surprising find at Costco this week. Anchovies are great for making dashi broth. Japanese and Koreans use it in a lot of

Isabelle Pineapple Cake

The Isabelle Pineapple Cake is an item we’ve seen at Costco previously and it has now reappeared in the store. The pineapple cake is a popular treat in Taiwan.